Python Programming


Python is an intuitive programming language and is therefore easy for beginners to understand. Python is well-suited for scientific calculations, and one of the advantages of the language is the versatility that comes from all of the available packages (libraries). (The packages pandas, numpy, and matplotlib are often used in our examples) It also offers a lighter user experience compared to Java or C, for example.

Python is one of the world’s most widely-used programming languages. It has applications in industry and research, as well as in web development.

A good thing to keep in mind when learning programming is that for every problem you encounter, someone has probably had the same problem and the answer will be somewhere online. (Check that the solution applies to the current version, Python3. Commands for Python2 do not always work.)

In these exercises, we use Python to do data analysis. We will therefore get acquainted with Python from that point of view. Below you will find a link to a document with instructions for data analysis in Python. The link opens the document in MyBinder’s virtual environment, where you can also change the Notebook and run tests yourself.

Binder Reading and visualizing data in Python

If you want to learn more about Python, you can start at