Jupyter Notebook Environment


Jupyter Notebook is an open source tool, which originated in IPython as part of Project Jupyter in 2014. Notebooks are interactive environments, which allow the user to combine text, code, images, and videos in the same document.

Notebooks have great advantages over other document types when it comes to teaching. You can open a notebook without installing any additional software - they can be opened directly through the web application MyBinder or Google Colab. If you want to create your own Notebooks, it is recommended that you download the software package Anaconda3. In addition, it is easy to share and edit Notebooks. Based on the example exercises we offer, it is a short step to start creating your own material in Notebook format.

Jupyter Notebooks are of the .ipynb (IPython Notebook) file type, but can also be saved as .pdf or .html for viewing. This file format works with all the most common programming languages, but you select a kernel according to which programming language you intend to use. In all our examples, Python3 is used as the programming language.